It’s been a month, but we are still thrilled after the last ANEMEL team meeting in Milan. Twice a year, the consortium partners meet in person to discuss the progress of the project. These meetings also serve to gather feedback from colleagues and, why not, to better bond and team up – something crucial considering that we are 11 partners from 9 different countries. We were kindly invited by our partner DeNora in Milan, Italy, for our first meeting of 2024.
It was two days of intense work, during which we talked about the deliverables accomplished so far and those tasks in progress. A multidisciplinary project like ours has a lot to be discussed! This included sharing information about the development of catalysts for our electrolysers and their characterisation, assessing the performance of cell assemblies, and deciding how life cycle assessment and costing of the different steps can be done. Additionally, we brainstormed ideas for the future of ANEMEL. But it wasn’t all work! We also visited the facilities and labs of our partner De Nora. They were such great hosts!

The next meeting will coincide with the project midpoint, making two years since its kick-off. It will take place in a few months in Newcastle, in the UK, and we will be hosted by our partners from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. We’re looking forward to it!