ANEMEL joins forces with ENABLER to explore the market potential of AEM technologies

Both European projects will collaborate on the initiative MarketHy to conduct a comprehensive market analysis of the hydrogen sector, including AEM electrolysis and fuel cells.

ANEMEL attends Green Hydrogen portfolio meeting in Spain

The European projects ELOBIO, MACGHYVER and ANEMEL met in the Spanish city of Ciudad Real in the framework of the “Green Hydrogen” portfolio activities.

A new platinum-free catalyst outperforms state-of-the-art water splitting solutions

We’ve developed a hydrogen evolution reaction catalyst that enabled electrolysers to operate stably at high current densities. This ANEMEL’s new success was published in the journal Energy & Environmental Science.

Fluorinated “forever chemicals” and where to find them

For decades, fluorinated compounds have been used in a variety of products, ubiquitous in our daily lives. However, their extreme resistance to degradation poses risks to human health and the environment. The European Commission has regulated these “forever chemicals” for years, and now scientists seek sustainable alternatives.

ANEMEL marks midpoint with Newcastle upon Tyne meeting

For two days, representatives from the ANEMEL consortium gathered in the British city to discuss the latest progress of the project and plan future work.

Our second Annual Report is out!

The second ANEMEL Annual Report summarises our project’s progress since late 2023. It includes updates from the different Work Packages… and a sneak peek into the future of hydrogen generation. Enjoy the read!

Shocking new ways to grow clean catalysts: meet Ariana Serban

Discover who’s who in the ANEMEL team. Ariana Serban is a PhD student at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), in Switzerland, who develops non-PGM catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction.

Caillean Convery creates cleaner catalysts with an iron heart

Discover who’s who in the ANEMEL team. Caillean Convery is a PhD at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, who develops cleaner catalysts for the anode of our electrolysers using earth-abundant metals.

Creating catalysts with superpowers: meet Praveen Kumar Selvam

Discover who’s who in the ANEMEL team. Praveen Kumar Selvam is a PhD at the University of Galway who works on developing catalysts that increase current density while reducing the corrosion of electrolysers at the same time.

Meet ANEMEL at ESOF2024 event this week!

On 13 and 14 June, ANEMEL will attend the EuroScience Open Forum 2024, held in Poland, with an exciting session about where hydrogen could become a reality in Europe.